Zimple – Your Pipedrive Partner

Customer stories

Avila gets the most out of Pipedrive with Zimple’s help

Avila is a recruitment and direct search company using modern tools and methods in all their operations. Avila is in a brilliant growth position, and due to their multichannel approach to sales, they have noticed how all processes must support growth, too. The role of a good CRM is essential in this, especially when the customer base is very wide and one wants to stay on top of all prospects.

avila logo

A fresh start with Pipedrive with Zimple’s help 

Avila had chosen Pipedrive as their CRM because the use and implementation of Pipedrive are intuitive and agile. Though, for the first couple of years, CRM use was quite limited, but at the start of 2023, Avila had a need for more efficient use of their Pipedrive. It became evident that a suitable partner for training and consulting was needed, and Avila found Zimple.

Together, Zimple and Avila made a fresh implementation project, fitted for Avila’s needs and schedules.

“We understood that we needed Pipedrive to support our operation processes – the system needed to be consolidated with our sales operations. We also needed help in optimizing the use of the CRM. After discussions with Zimple, we were convinced that we were a good match, and it was nice to get to work with a partner of a similar size”, says Mikko Savusalo, COO at Avila.

Engaging salespeople in using Pipedrive with workshops and coaching

Zimple has worked with Avila flexibly, always based on Avila’s needs. The partnership was started with a set of workshops that enabled a fast and effective start with Pipedrive use; sales pipelines, most important data fields, and key automations were created together. After that, Zimple has consulted and supported Avila with Pipedrive use and further development on demand whenever Avila has had clear needs for developing, e.g., reporting or customer satisfaction.

“It’s nice that we’re able to work at our own pace. We would not have wanted or even been able to commit to a standard implementation package. With Zimple, we were able to work in a tailored way according to our needs and build a CRM that fits us perfectly. We had the responsibility of the actual work, but the big picture was painted with Zimple’s coaching. Then we modified the system as needed”, Savusalo describes.

“Any CRM should always be done with the salespeople and by the salespeople. This way, they are also committed to using the system. Zimple coached and trained us, and enabled us to understand the system comprehensively.”

In addition to Pipedrive CRM, Avila has developed other technologies too, and built an effective sales tech package around their CRM with other compatible software, such as invoicing and contract management tools. Marketing tools are also integrated with Pipedrive, as data-driven marketing is an essential part of the package.

Enhancing sales processes is an ongoing process – that can be accelerated with the right partner

Seeing that Avila wants to continuously develop into an even more modern and streamlined organization, their sales technologies must also support this and grow with the company. For this reason, a good partner is especially important. It’s essential that services are available whenever they are needed and with content that is relevant to the customer.

Co-operation with Zimple is very customer-centric and now constantly ongoing. Coaching is acquired in an agile manner, even on short notice when needed. This way of working has fit Avila like a glove, especially since Avila wants to keep their process and CRM development in their own hands and not outsource it to a third party.

“We always tie our own shoelaces to get us up and running. On a busy year it has been very important that our CRM partner knows what they are doing and is able to guide us. Pipedrive implementation with Zimple has been more efficient and cost-effective than it would have been by doing it ourselves – and the end result is better. This partnership has brought us tremendous added value”, Savusalo praises working with Zimple.

Are you ready to upgrade your CRM game?

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