Zimple – Your Pipedrive Partner

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Pipedrive and OneNode logos with a Pipedrive pipeline view in the background

Find your documents quicker with OneNode

Who hasn’t spent time searching for a specific document related to a customer? Contracts, quotes, project plans, invoices, complaints, and many other files are regularly dug out from the depths of folder structures. Now we have a solution: OneNode!

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Pipedrive workflow automations

Sales automation: what and why? Concrete examples!

One of the best functions of a CRM is the ability to automate recurring tasks.This is also often mentioned when demoing Pipedrive, but just saying “workflow automation” does not really mean anything. What can you actually do with them that would make a sales rep’s and sales leader’s life easier?

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5 Ways to Make CRM Your Personal Assistant

CRMs are often branded rather poorly. The word itself might be somewhat dislikable to many of us and be associated with a massive and cryptic, nonspecific thing with weird algorithms. That is why CRM systems should be rebranded as personal assistants of sales management and sales reps – that is what these systems are at their best.
Here you can find five ways how you make your CRM a very efficient (and ridiculously cheap) personal assistant.

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